#16748 by yevlev
15:28, December 22, 2015 by yevlev
[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2015.12.21"]
[Round "5"]
[White "FM Valeria Dotan"]
[Black "Yevgeny Levanzov"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "D60"]
[PlyCount "86"]
[SourceDate "2015.12.22"]
1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 e6 5. Bg5 Nbd7 6. e3 Be7 7. Bd3 dxc4 (7...
O-O) 8. Bxc4 O-O 9. O-O h6 {not the only move.} 10. Bh4 b6 (10... b5 {sharper,
and requires more knowledge.}) 11. Qe2 {from here, I play more or less by
myself.} Bb7 12. Rfd1 Nd5 13. Bg3 Nxc3 (13... N7f6) 14. bxc3 {now the queen
will feel safe on the c file.} Nf6 15. e4 Nh5 16. Bd3 $6 (16. Be5 Nf6) 16...
Nxg3 17. hxg3 {equal.} c5 18. e5 $6 cxd4 19. cxd4 Rc8 {black is better due to
d4 pawn weakness.} 20. Bc2 Rc3 $1 21. Bb3 (21. Qd2) 21... Qd7 (21... Bd5 {
worse.}) 22. Ne1 $6 Rfc8 23. Rd2 Bd5 24. Bxd5 Qxd5 25. Nc2 {black is much
better.} Bg5 26. Ne3 (26. f4 $2 {was hoping for.} Rxc2 $1 27. Rxc2 Rxc2 28.
Qxc2 Qxd4+ 29. Kh2 Qxa1 30. Qc8+ Kh7 31. Qc2+ g6) 26... Bxe3 (26... Qe4 {
better.}) 27. fxe3 Qe4 28. Re1 Rc2 29. Red1 R8c3 30. Rxc2 Rxc2 {white holds
with almost only moves.} 31. Rd2 Rc1+ 32. Kf2 Qb1 $6 33. g4 (33. Rb2 Rf1+ 34.
Qxf1 Qxb2+ {not winning for black, in spite the 2 vs. 1 on the Q-side.}) 33...
Qe4 34. Qf3 Qxf3+ {didn't see already winning ideas and was in time trouble.}
35. gxf3 Kf8 36. e4 Ke7 37. d5 {totally forgot about the break through in the
center.} exd5 38. exd5 Kd7 39. Ke3 b5 40. Rb2 Rc5 $1 41. Kd4 Rc4+ 42. Kd3 Rc5 {
equal, but tough to play for black.} 43. Ke4 Rc4+ {draw was agreed in mutual
severe time trouble. black must just stand and gi back and forth. Kf5 - not
g6?? but a6 or Ke7.} 1/2-1/2
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