Game by FabriceWantiez
12:05, March 17, 2025 by FabriceWantiez
[Event "IC nationaux Div II"]
[Site "Namur"]
[Date "2025.03.16"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Mastalerz, Xavier"]
[Black "Uhoda, Philippe"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A46"]
[Annotator "Wantiez,Fabrice"]
[PlyCount "51"]
[EventDate "2025.03.16"]
[EventCountry "BEL"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 d6 3. g3 c6 4. Bg2 Bf5 (4... g6 5. O-O Bg7 6. Bg5 O-O 7. c3 Ne4 8. Bf4 Nd7 9. Nbd2 Nxd2 10. Qxd2 e5 $15 {0-1 (47) Bilan,D (2303)-Moussard,J (2668) INT 2022}) 5. O-O h6 6. c4 e6 (6... Nbd7 7. Nc3 Ne4 8. Nh4 Nxc3 9. bxc3 Bh7 10. f4 e5 11. fxe5 dxe5 12. e4 Be7 $16 {1-0 (69) Oparin,G (2681)-Kuzmicz,K (2466) INT 2023}) 7. Nc3 Be7 (7... Nbd7 8. d5 cxd5 9. cxd5 e5 10. Nd2 Be7 11. e4 Bg4 12. f3 $16 {1-0 (43) Jussupow,A (2665)-Sitanggang,S (2410) Yerevan 1996}) 8. d5 (8. Nd2 O-O 9. e4 Bh7 10. Re1 Na6 11. Nf1 e5 12. d5 Qb8 13. a3 Bd8 14. b4 $16 {0-1 (61) Kuzubov,Y (2635)-Mirzoev,E (2424) Lutsk 2016}) 8... cxd5 (8... e5 9. dxc6 Nxc6 10. Nd5 O-O $14 {½-½ (38) Karasev,V (2336)-Vorotnikov,V (2449) Sochi 2018}) 9. cxd5 e5 10. e4 Bd7 11. h3 Na6 12. Be3 Nh7 13. Rc1 g5 $2 (13... Ng5 14. h4 Nxf3+ 15. Bxf3 O-O 16. Bg4 $16) 14. b4 g4 15. hxg4 Bxg4 16. Qd3 (16. Bxh6 $6 Ng5 17. Bxg5 Bxg5 18. Rb1 Qf6 19. Qd3 O-O-O $44) 16... Bxf3 17. Bxf3 Bg5 18. Qb5+ Qd7 19. Bg4 Qxb5 20. Nxb5 Bxe3 $2 (20... Ke7 21. Rfe1 (21. f4 Bxf4 $5 22. Bxf4 exf4 23. Rxf4 Ng5 24. Kg2 Rag8 25. a3 $18) 21... Nf6 22. Bf5 Bxe3 23. Rxe3 h5 24. Kg2 $18) 21. Nxd6+ Kf8 22. fxe3 Ng5 23. b5 Nb4 24. Rc7 Rh7 25. Be6 Nxa2 26. Nxf7 1-0
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